Saturday, October 24, 2020

myTNB Pay & Win Huawei! Campaign 2020

Settle your TNB bills and stand a chance to win!

The promotion will run for three months and 3 winners will stand a chance to win Huawei P40 Pro and 90 consolidate prizes of cash vouchers worth RM300 each during the campaign period. 93 Eligible winners will be selected by on a randomizer program

The promotion runs from 12th October 2020 to 9th December 2020.

All you need to do is download myTNB App and make full payment through myTNB App during the campaign period. As long as you have made a successful transaction through myTNB App, you will stand a chance to win the prizes.

If I only paid half of the outstanding bill; can I still participate in this campaign? 
No, you must make full payment in order to participate in this campaign